Sunday 7 May 2017

Up date.

Hello to any one who still reads my ramblings.

So i thought i would do a quick up date post as it has been a while and i want to get back in to the habit of writing again.

The past few months since my last post has been crazy!! 

and not just your average crazy either.

In the past 6 months we have;
had Christmas, all had birthdays, completed my probation at work and become permanent, lost weight, put weight back on ( hides face ),another majorettes season 2 regional's nationals and a mini nationals saw the troupe win 239 awards, seen the new year in, got very drunk, had a party, got very drunk (there may be a bit of a pattern here but i'm not too sure what that pattern is yet), we have been to Disney World and we got Married! "can you hear the bells"

So when i said the past 6 months were crazy they literally were, so in  a nut shell that's what has been happening InDeWilde. Or should i now say Up****Creek :D

I will be at some point uploading a blog post on a few tips with travelling on a long flight with children as well as a Disney World post because lets be honest i can't not write one.

Hoping people are still keeping up to date and i am back now i promise.

Much Love
The New Mrs Creek :) x

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So for A's birthday she had a choice of presents, party or a day out and she chose a day out in London. For an 8 year old choosing a day...