Tuesday 22 August 2017

Easy Summer Crafts

The school summer holidays for grown ups feel like they go on and on forever!

Finding things for our lovely little munchkins to do whilst not breaking the bank or going insane is quite hard to do some days. 

We have done quite a lot already considering we are about half way through now. We have; been to all the local parks, been on a Gruffalo trail, some gardening, swimming party, been to a christening, visited family, played in the garden, arts and crafts and visited the library. Plus lots more but i wont go on forever. My point is apart from parking and the odd few lunches it has been pretty cheap.

I thought i would share this simple and crafty activity we did today the girls sat for ages making them and i didn't spend a penny.

All you need to make your treasure necklaces and bracelets are;
and your imagination

i cut up the straws in to different sizes and we  used pasta and cheerios as there was only a few left so i used up the last little bits in the packets. the cups are left over from parties and the string well i always keep some in the drawer as you never know when you may need it.

Let us know if you have tried this craft and what your creations look like!

We have also really enjoyed visiting our local library it is only a short walk from our house and the girls just love being there. It is always worth checking out your local libraries as during the school holidays some hold different events and activities for all ages. 

What are your go to things to do during the school holidays?

Please share your ideas and tips as i am getting to the half way point of these log six weeks i need some more ideas to keep these two busy and not screeching at each other

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