Saturday 30 April 2016

supermarket etiquette.

So working in a supermarket both myself and RC have experienced all sorts like you wouldn't believe! I do honestly think that there should be a list of rules for supermarket shopping e.g you must wear clothes and shoes this means clothes that cover you and that are appropriate people shop with children funnily enough they have to eat too.

It amazes me that people do go out with out shoes on this is something incredible how did you not realise you have no shoes on?!

add ons. In some shops not necessarily supermarkets the cashier has to offer you add ons to your purchase they are not offering you a pen so you can sign your life away or offering you chocolate because they think your a chocoholic so will fall for it they are doing it because they have targets to meet as that is their job and in order to keep their job they have to do this. don't sign or make a awful comment "do I look like I need more chocolate then" or "I don't need it" politely reply with "no thank you"

feedback. now this is my favourite as this is your honest opinion of you experience in the store your in so this tells them how they are doing and for someone who is asking for that feedback that 5 mins it takes to answer the online questions is not a lot to ask for really. (you are probably on your phone just continually scolling for no reason in the evening any way) use this time to answer these simple questions for that person that served you today as they are probably waiting to hear they did good or someone recognised they were trying. plus some times you also get rewarded for doing this as some companies give you money off or vouchers.

manners. this is a big thing that people teach children and its probably one of the first things your child learns because your constantly saying "say please" "say thank you" but when it comes to adults we seems to think that we don't have to use our manners. no you are an adult there is probably a child either in the queue behind you or that can hear you if they see or hear you speaking to someone horribly they will copy. Also the person serving you is trying really hard not to use a curse word on you while you huff and puff at them or tell them you don't want that in that bag but in one you haven't even got out yet or be careful that's breakable. They are adults too they also know what they are doing and have probably been there since 5am so their patience is probably on the verge so don't push them too far.

Although the amount of times I have wanted to stand up on the counter or till and just rant back. Now that would be a good video to watch. 

Bags. now we all know that you have to pay for bags in all big supermarkets now and in most other stores. The person serving you does not control this do not then start ranting and raving about how it is robbing you just for a bag or how they cant do it as it is advertising. if you don't agree or simply don't want to pay 5p for a bag don't bring your own and stop complaining.

we all hate queues and waiting but guess what its something we all have to do and deal with it doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing. queues are everywhere, on the phone, in the shops, in the doctors and even on the roads. You cannot control this it is like the weather it is out of everyone's  control. shouting or swearing or throwing you arms around because you have had to wait is not going to get you through that queue any quicker. If anything people will take one look at you and think what a moron and usually go slower. So yes quques are a big problem but again just grit your teeth, breathe and count to ten by the time you have done this you will probably be next or being served. it is also not the cashiers fault if you have come in for one thing because YOU forgot and now YOU are running late because you have been queuing in traffic for ages.

This is also a good time to take a look around notice things. how tidy is the store? are the staff friendly to every customer? is it a dark and dingy store or is it bright and airy? all things that may come up on the surveys you are given at the end.

Children. We were all children once. Yes they scream. Yes they run. Yes they can also be cute and lovely but 9/10 in a shop that they don't want to be in they are not. Having two of children my self I know that shopping with them is like climbing Everest it is that much of a task. they have probably been playing or something before hand and now they have been dragged shopping which lets be honest no body likes shopping really. This is really boring for them they aren't allowed to touch anything they certainly cant pick stuff off the shelves and just eat it either. They cant climb this big stand that's staring right in front of them. They cant take the most amazing toy with flashy lights and loud annoying sounds because its not theirs. so please if you see a child in a store that's kicking off and having a melt down or is crying because it wants to pull everything off of a shelf don't stop and stare at the parents or huff and puff or whilst your walking away make a rude comment about how they need to be disciplined or "I blame the parents" Those parents can see and hear you. This will hurt and upset them. That is their child having a moment and you have just made them feel very little when there is no need.

so next time you are in a store think about the people that work there. They are there because it is a job and they actually want to work. They work very hard to make sure that the customer (yes that's you) is satisfied. Smile at them say hello answer them when they speak to you. Ask them how they are how their day is. Do not start having a go at them or moaning at them. Look at them smile and say "its busy but your doing well" give them feedback as you never know it might make someone's day to know that somebody actually realised they were there and recognised that they were doing a good job.

Thank you.


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