Thursday 11 August 2016

Head Lice!!

Urghhh every parents worst fear! Head Lice/ Nits Yes they are disgusting yes they are annoying and YES there are actual products that work and that are reasonably priced too. This does not mean your child is dirty or is attracted to them it just means that they are a child.
Do you not remember nits when you where growing up?! 
They are normal and most kids (not all) will at some point get them.  They are small and some times hard to see.
There are a lot of myths around Nits for example: 
  • Head lice jump from head to head
  • Head lice in dirty hair
  • Short hair will keep lice away
  • Only children get head lice
  • Head lice can be drowned in the water 
  • Itching is a the first sign of nits
  • Nits hatch after being pulled from the hair.
These are all of course not true! Ignoring them will also not make the problem go away they don't just get bored and disappear. You need to be checking your child's hair every time you brush if not at least thoroughly comb through it once or twice a week. 

The main areas that they like to hide is behind the ears, at the crown of the head (on the top), at the bottom of the hair line near the neck and under the fringe. All of these are nice warm hidden places where they can live and breed.

The best way to check the hair is after it has been washed and conditioned. Whilst it is still wet brush it all through to make sure there are no knots if necessary separate the hair into sections, and comb through the hair. I would highly recommend using the Nitty Gritty comb, i will post a link to the website at the end of this post. This is the best and most effective comb around!! 
The little plastic ones are useless throw it away right now!
Comb all the hair thoroughly in all different directions. when doing this i would recommend wearing black as then you will be able to see them clearer. once you have put the comb through once check the comb for any visitors if there is any thing in the teeth of the comb wipe it if there are any live lice then pinch it in between your nails (back to back) until you hear a click noise (sounds awful i know) this will indicate that it is dead. (horrible at first but highly satisfying) You MUST wipe the comb every time you put it through the hair just to make sure you don't want to be putting them back thorough the hair again.
The only thing that will prevent these little nasties is regular combing!! i know it is time consuming and annoying but it will help and it will be effective!!

So we have tried lots of different things to help combat head lice. But i have found my super hero of all of the tools/remedies and its called Nitty Gritty, it is the best thing in the world! 
The comb for start is metal, it has long teeth on it. i hate these old style plastic ones with the tiny teeth that don't do anything. The teeth on the nitty gritty have ridges on to help catch the little nasties even better and they have less of a chance of escaping then too. 
This is the whole set this is what we have and i cannot recommend it enough!! This is THE best thing since sliced bread and beyond because it truly does work!! 
Go now and get your set! It honestly is so worth it thinking of your children do the right thing by them and go now and get this set to help combat this nasty problem! 

Friday 5 August 2016

Being adventurous

Today was all about going on an adventure.

Mummy packed the car up loaded full with a big packed lunch for mummy Alexa and Ellie and then we picked up Nanny and Maisie (my littlest sister) and off we went. we didn't know where we was going and we didn't care either we were just going.

we ended up at a little secret beauty spot. It really is beautiful!

The girls had their lunches which they thought was great (mum win!)
Then we went and explored!
we caught fish and paddled in the water got wet and muddy made new friends and had fun and that to me is what being a child is all about.

So i recommend that you go out and find any little beauty spots in your area you never know what you might find!

OOooh then we ended up at the golden arches ( Mc Donalds) and the girls had chocolate milkshakes! this how ever isn't going to help with weigh in tomorrow morning tho :(

ooh just to add i did take a bin bag to collect all of our rubbish please please remeber to take all your rubbish home with you other wise places like this wont be nice any more and people wont be able to enjoy them.

So this is my littlest sister Maisie 

trying to catch some fish

such a lovely day!

 Go on go find an adventure!


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