Wednesday 13 January 2016

16 year old me.

So I'm sat watching teen mom og and my head says what the. I mean I love the show and I love the girls/ladies on the programme. but if I know that teenagers are watching this programme this isn't real life!
For starts these girls look amazing because they have the money to look amazing their houses are beautiful, its a different country too I envy their houses as I just love them but they get paid for this so obviously everything is amazing and pretty.
Don't think for one second that they haven't been up all night with a baby that's screaming the house down just because they like the sound of their own voice and there is nothing that you or any lullaby toy or dummy can do to stop that tiny human being from screaming like a dying cat at 2am. Or that they haven't had like 3 outfit changes because they have been sicked on or peed on, yes their hair looks great in a messy bun and like its supposed to look like that no they have sick and probably some breakfast stuck in there from two days ago as they haven't got time to wash their hair as often as they used to. Yes they get me time but as soon as you do all you want to do is sleep or drink a hot cup of tea, no you will never have a hot cup of tea in peace again that little human you birthed out of your lady garden can hear that kettle click and they will suddenly be hungry or have had a poo explosion that smeared all up their back and you have it all in your finger nails. Oh and also it will smell worse than anything that you have ever smelt before in your life and you have to hold that sick in the back of your throat until they aren't looking as they see this as a weakness!
Don't get me wrong I love my girls to pieces and yes I met her way earlier than what I would ever have imagined but life is one hell of an insane ride! but if I could rewind time and talk to my 16 year old self again I would shake her senseless!
You are 16!! the boy that actually cares about you more than you will ever understand is just sitting in the background listening to all of your fears and problems and is your shoulder to lean on even when you text him in the middle of the night. That boy that is flirting with you or saying things to make you feel like a princess right in this moment is he real does he know every little deep stupid thing about you e.g your favourite colour, favourite film. Will this boy be there in the pouring rain to walk you home to make sure that you get home safe, does he have a short temper, does he have good people skills and manners. I know that at 16 you aren't thinking all of these things your just thinking "wow" this boy really likes me listen to all this stuff he's saying to and about me he really means it. No he doesn't this boy is exactly that a boy no manners no life skills no people skills he doesn't know your favourite Disney film that's not the sort of negativity you need in your life at 16 I mean girls life at 16 is hard enough. GCSE's, Prom, Clothes, Hollyoaks, the rest of your life. I remember being asked once by a teacher " what is it you are wanting to do when you leave school" my head screamed! I haven't got the foggiest what I'm going to wear to ice skating tonight (that was the thing to do) let alone in a few years what I'm going to do after I finish school I honestly thought I was at school for the rest of my life. Don't do what I did you can literally do anything right now I'm not saying don't have fun with your friends because you need to so you have the memories to look back on when your old. All I'm saying is don't throw your life in completely the opposite direction just because one boy made you feel special in that moment because that's all it is.
One moment.
Can change your whole life although at that moment you have no idea what you want to do with your life don't let this moment take all of those other options in a different direction. Don't put your self in that situation  boys are crazy and can make you feel so incredible but he isn't your dad or your granddad or even your best friend you might think he is because your "in love" but its just hormones and these horrible little beggars will screw you over more than boys. You think that your body is messed up now, you have no idea what will happen if you have a baby. Stretch marks are the least of your worries I can remember hearing some girls talking about hair in places and thinking to myself what the actual hell is that for real and now I think where isn't there hair. I mean we worry about getting changed in the changing rooms in front of other girls all the same age all going through the same things but yet this is so daunting and scary you try and hide away in the corner but yet you reach the point where you go in to a changing room and you don't give a damn what's on show as so many people have already seen it all that a couple more wont harm it wont change the way that you look or make those wobbly stretch marks disappear, nor will they make them bigger or more wibbly wobbly.
I would love to go back to my old school and talk to a class and brutally and honestly answer their questions tell them the truth about the ins and outs of babies and not just this is how you do it scientifically and watch a god awful old science video.
Being a 16 year old girl is hard massively hard but being a 16 year old with a baby is ten times harder and your life will never be the same.



  1. Your daughter's adorable! Any girl that raises a child that young is to be commended, but yeah I always think to myself that the girls on that show have it a lot easier because they are making so much money from the show and they're famous! Please checkout my blog!



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